Submit your content to Work in Shrewsbury

Work in Shrewsbury is run by Shrewsbury BID, working to promote investment in Shrewsbury and support businesses as they grow.
All businesses within Shrewsbury and a 5-mile radius of the town are welcome to submit themselves for inclusion on our website. Inclusion offers your business a profile, the opportunity to submit your job vacancies and business events, and the opportunity to submit business news for our blog.
Not every business can be included on Work in Shrewsbury, and we reserve the right to decline to feature businesses, vacancies, events or news which we feel don't support our project aims.
Submit or update a business listing
Tell us you're hiring
Send us your news
Submit your event
If you have a question or want to talk to us about something else, such as an idea for a WISH project or case study, please contact us by email.