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The beautiful 16th Century Square with the Old Market Hall at its centre is formed on three sides by gorgeous high-end boutiques and restaurants as well as the Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery. Meander the surrounding streets with their hidden culinary and shopping gems.

Did you know...?

Built in 1596, the Market Hall was intended to impress with materials, style and scale. It had two storeys; the large upper room was originally used by the Shrewsbury drapers or dealers in cloth to sell Welsh wool and the lower floor was used by farmers to sell corn.

Look out for...

The variety of buildings surrounding the Square date back to as early as the 1400s. Can you spot the quatrefoils on the timber-framed building to the right of the Old Market Hall? These are typical of Tudor buildings in Shrewsbury.

Would you like to use The Square for an event?

The Square is used as a venue for hundreds of events each year. From charity fundraising to large-scale community events, there's is usually something happening.

If you are organising an event and would like to book the Square, please contact:

Square Administration
Museum Service Team
Shropshire Council
Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery
The Square

Email: MuseumBookings@shropshire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01743 258885

Map of Shrewsbury

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