Posted 26 Apr 2023

The Quarry highlighted as one of UK's best city parks

Rubbing shoulders alongside Hampstead Heath and Belfast's Botanic Gardens, The Times has named The Quarry as top urban green space.
The quarry 7

Scooped in a loop of the Severn, Shrewsbury's history is intrinsically linked with the waterway. Businesses flourish on and alongside the river, whilst at its heart lies The Quarry - a spectacular sloping parkland that's central to the local community.

"The 29-acre Quarry slopes gently down from Shrewsbury’s medieval hilltop centre to the River Severn. At its perimeter you might find anglers casting for salmon, while at its heart is the Dingle, an old sandstone pit that is now home to sunken gardens with water features and colourful borders. From August 11 to 12 the park hosts the annual Shrewsbury Flower Show. Once you’ve tracked down the statue of Sabrina, the mythical nymph who drowned in the Severn, follow the riverside path east to the stylish Lion & Pheasant townhouse hotel."

Read the full article from The Times here.

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