- Available commercial space in Shrewsbury
- Office Space to Let - Welsh Bridge, Shrewsbury
Office Space to Let - Welsh Bridge, Shrewsbury

These offices comprise three floors of a self-contained wing to the original Welsh Bridge building constructed to house Morris Care. The Morris Care business was sold in 2023 and the offices have become surplus to requirements.
The offices will have their own dedicated entrance directly off Lower Claremont Bank via an imposing double doorway into an internal lobby, with original doors from the HMHS Britannic—sister ship to the Titanic.
The offices have just been comprehensively refurbished to provide open floor space, new carpets and redecoration throughout and LED lighting. Each of the offices benefit from excellent natural light with South and East facing double glazed windows.

The incoming tenant will be able to install their own corporate signage on the Lower Claremont Bank elevation within a defined signage ‘zone’. Two car spaces are available within the secure and gated rear courtyard. A further two car park spaces will be available on separate license nearby. Numerous public car parks are also within a walking distance.
Shrewsbury is the county town and administrative centre of Shropshire with a population of 80,000 approximately with a catchment extending into Wales. Shrewsbury enjoys excellent road links to the North and South of Wales via the A49 and Telford and Birmingham via the A5 and M54. Within Shrewsbury, Welsh Bridge is located adjacent to the Welsh Bridge which forms the main arterial route into Shrewsbury from the East and links Frankwell to the town centre.

For all enquiries, contact Morris Property.